The Subjective Space
Buena Vida: gleaming aura
Systems Radio: rice the water
Clyde Built Radio: The Palace of Humming Trees
Clyde Built Radio: With the Boys
URL Sonata
The Interpreter’s House
Cashmere Radio: im Regen-Austausch
Existential Stationary: 42 Mad Men Haiku
lana del rey playing at a stripclub
nature sounds without nature sounds
Rainbow Arcadia
Pure Sound
Monte Carlo 1
with A+E Collective
the weird folds: everyday poems from the anthropocene
edited with Rhian Williams
neutral milky halo
Miss Anthropocene
Sonnets for Hooch: Lemon Bloom Season
with Mau Baiocco and Kyle Lovell
Soft Friction
with Kirsty Dunlop
Sonnets for Hooch: Summertime Social
with Mau Baiocco and Kyle Lovell
The Luna Erratum
Leave Bambi Alone
String Feeling
Sans Soleil
with fred spoliar
Cherry Nightshade
Visions & Feed
The Last Song: Words for Frightened Rabbit
edited with Aaron Kent
Cocoa and Nothing
with Colin Herd
scrunch curlew
An Aura of Plasma Around the Sun
not just another NY QUINCUNX
ModPo: On Maria Sledmere’s ‘The Way to Keep Going in Arcadia’
Review of Cinders - ‘Just sweep in! sweep up! sweep out!’ by Andrew Duncan, Litter Magazine
‘At the chocolate factory: negotiating cocoa illusion in fat and fiction this Easter’, Culture Matters - Amy K Grandvoinet on Cocoa and Nothing
‘Dream Ecologies, Poetry and Sustainability‘ Interview with Srishti Jain for Arts Help
TALES FOR A DECELERATED CULTURE: Ricky Monahan Brown reviews An Aura of Plasma Around the Sun by Maria Sledmere, Glasgow Review of Books
Patrick Romero McCafferty reviews Visions & Feed for Poetry London
Visions & Feed mentioned in Anthropocene Poetry substack
Astra Papachristodoulou on Briony Hughes, James Wilkes, Colin Herd and Maria Sledmere, The Poetry Review summer 2023 issue
Saltire Society, ‘40 Under 40’ List 2023 in The Scotsman
‘Having your lyric cake and eating it’: in conversation with Tom White for Fruit Journal
Tim Murphy reviews Visions & Feed for The Friday Poem
Alice Brewer reviews Cocoa and Nothing for The Arts Desk
Visions & Feed selected by Rebecca Tamás in The Guardian’s monthly poetry roundup, December 2022
The Luna Erratum selected for Laura Waddell’s Books of the Year for The Scotsman 2022
the weird folds: everyday poems from the anthropocene is selected by Will Rene as a special staff eco-pick for National Poetry Day 2022
‘Foam theory’ selected for Best Scottish Poetry 2021 by Hugh Mcmillan for the Scottish Poetry Library
Lillian Salvatore reviews The Luna Erratum (Glasgow University Magazine)
Poetry review: Maria Sledmere – The Luna Erratum by Holly Fleming (Snack mag)
‘Meet A+E Collective, a multidisciplinary group of young Glasgow-based creatives working for a better future’ (It’s Nice That)
A+E Collective on Engaging Creatively with Climate Crisis, in SCAN
‘Hybrid Flotsam’ – Shehzar Doja reviews neutral milky halo in Gutter issue 24
Briony Hughes selects neutral milky halo as a pamphlet highlight of the year for Osmosis
the weird folds mentioned in nicodemus nicoludis’ ‘From “Rock into Bread”: A Taxonomy of Today’s Ecopoetry’ in The Poetry Project Newsletter
the weird folds mentioned on BBC Radio 3 ‘Eco-Criticism’ programme
Charlotte Geater and Sam Solnick name nature sounds without nature sounds and infra·structure among their 2020 books of the year for The White Review
Review: Susannah Thompson on the weird folds
Review: Billy Mills on neutral milky halo
Review: Isabelle Thompson on neutral milky halo
Revicule: Calum Hazell on infra·structure in Erotoplasty Issue 7 part 1
Essay: ‘“rainy climes and emerald fish” / “like downloads”’ by Colin Herd
Review: Joanna Lee on nature sounds without nature sounds in The Poetry Review
Protest Poetry: UCU university strikes & creative solidarity in The Skinny
Harriet blog (The Poetry Foundation) on my review of Rachael Allen’s Kingdomland
Sam Riviere lists Lana Del Rey playing at a stripclub as one of his 2019 books of the year for The White Review
Bethany Mitchell reviews nature sounds without nature sounds for amberflora
Piece on The Absent Material Gateway in Dazed
Piece on SPAM in Dazed
Spam x Glasgow International in Glasgow Live
Nature Writing Workshop in Munich, June 2018. British Council Press Release
Colin Herd reviewing Existential Stationary in Adjacent Pineapple
‘Best of the Net 2018 Anthology’ Nomination for short story ‘Peanut Butter’, by L’Ephemere Review
Academic Teaching
University of Strathclyde (Lecturer)
Scottish Universities International Summer School (Tutor)2019-2023
University of Glasgow (Tutor)
Funded Projects
Experimental Ecopoetics Workshop Series for the87press (Arts Council England National Portfolio Grant)2022-2023
Brilliant Vibrating Interface: Queering the Post-Internet through Poetry and Practice (SPAM Press x Edwin Morgan Trust)EARTH Scholarships Glasgow Cluster (SGSAH)